WOMEN'S DAY @ atns
Story by Baveesha Naran
When I'm not doing photography for LOVEauthentic, I'm at work at ATNS (Air Traffic and Navigation Services), So ATNS was having a woman's day event on the 7 Aug and one of my friend ( Mpumi ) asked me to talk at the event. I was nervous because I am terrified of public speak... but I knew this was a great opportunity for me to be able to share my journey and share how LOVEauthentic has changed my life.
When I asked Mpumi to ask someone else, she refused and said that she knows that I what i have to say... people are ready to hear. That was beautiful... that someone could value your thoughts so much. She obviously had way more faith in me than I had in myself.
Like it was meant to be... the contents of the speech came to me so naturally. Furthermore, when I spoke I could not believe how calm I felt. Normally I'd be shaking... but telling my story and the excitement of the journey, came so easily..... I loved every moment of it. The reactions to it as well ... was so warm and loving. Got to say I love my fellow ladies so much.
My lesson from this day was,, "When you're doing what you're meant to be doing (ie. fulfilling your purpose), everything and I mean everything comes together to help you through it. "
Thanks Mpumi for having faith that I could do this. Thanks ATNS for spoiling us and bring us all together. We work in the same building but most times never get to even know each others names. It was an awesome day.
We later did what ladies do best ... posing.. and captured pics of the beautiful ladies who were able to attend. Girls just always having fun.
Thanks also to my good friend Nogs (Manogari Moonsammy) for the brilliant idea of adding Powerwords to the Photobooth idea. It was purer brilliance.
All my fellow ATNS ladies.. apologies that this took so long.
#loveauthentic #loveauthenticsa #babysteps #selfappreciation #atns #womansday #womansdayinitiative #moments
When I asked Mpumi to ask someone else, she refused and said that she knows that I what i have to say... people are ready to hear. That was beautiful... that someone could value your thoughts so much. She obviously had way more faith in me than I had in myself.
Like it was meant to be... the contents of the speech came to me so naturally. Furthermore, when I spoke I could not believe how calm I felt. Normally I'd be shaking... but telling my story and the excitement of the journey, came so easily..... I loved every moment of it. The reactions to it as well ... was so warm and loving. Got to say I love my fellow ladies so much.
My lesson from this day was,, "When you're doing what you're meant to be doing (ie. fulfilling your purpose), everything and I mean everything comes together to help you through it. "
Thanks Mpumi for having faith that I could do this. Thanks ATNS for spoiling us and bring us all together. We work in the same building but most times never get to even know each others names. It was an awesome day.
We later did what ladies do best ... posing.. and captured pics of the beautiful ladies who were able to attend. Girls just always having fun.
Thanks also to my good friend Nogs (Manogari Moonsammy) for the brilliant idea of adding Powerwords to the Photobooth idea. It was purer brilliance.
All my fellow ATNS ladies.. apologies that this took so long.
#loveauthentic #loveauthenticsa #babysteps #selfappreciation #atns #womansday #womansdayinitiative #moments