Have you been wondering what we're all about. I've tried to answer all the questions that have been unclear, Here's why, how and what we're all about. THANK YOU to all the amazing people who've helped in making this dream materialise.
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On Valentine’s Day I'd like to share a story that changed my outlook on LOVE. I was watching one of Oprah shows, she relayed a story of how she’d gone to sympathise with a friend who’d just lost their loved one. In conversation, her friend said, “You know what I experience right now? I’ve spoken to people who have called from near and far to see if I’m ok, I see people who’ve taken time out of their day, to help me through my tough time and I see people who’ve filled my house with snacks and food when I’m not able to.
Today I realise that I am so blessed as….. this is LOVE, and this is LOVE, and this is LOVE” Happy Valentine’s Day All … |
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