Wednesday, 9 Aug 2017 ... Our beautiful #teamloveauthentic ladies ran the awesome Totalsport Womens Day Race together on Womens Day. It was a chilly and icy morning, but the vibrance of the pink surroundings and friendly faces of the thousands of ladies and supporting gentlemen made the cold feel like a tiny drawback. It was a super fun morning indeed. Such a refreshing experience. Well done ladies on successfully completing the 10km race through our historic Johannesburg. Enjoy the video to see the fun that was had. Video created by Baveesha Naran
LOVEauthentic together with Strictly Signs hosted a colour point along the route of the Benoni Colourful Run. We gathered a team to assist on the day, our awesome volunteers helped with the arrangements and were up bright and early to make this day an absolute success.
The race started at 0800 so our volunteers, needed to be in Benoni by 0645. Everyone rose bright and early, Vanisha drove from the South and Matilda & her cutiepies Ubered just to get to us. I though this was so super special. We weren't really sure what to expect at this event, all we knew was that we were there to represent LOVEauthentic, increase our visibility and ultimately assist in raising awareness for Vitiligo. What was suppose to be work, turned out to be a colourful explosion of fun. The runners were so driven to finish successfully, families played and laughed, everyone was playful, happy and delightfully energised. We enjoyed every minute of showering colour all over the runners and when runners were few and far between, we turned on each other. We experience that shear exhilaration of just being kids for a day. Life is about moments, and this was one of those, felt really good to just enjoy the people (runners, fellow volunteers and the organising committee), place and energy around us. The Benoni Colourful Run, was host by the Vikings Cycling Club & Benoni Harriers in support of Kid Haven. Well done to all the sponsors and volunteers who made this event possible. To a job well done, To our LOVEauthentic team, Nasreen, Vanisha, Kashmira, Kyle, Yolanda, Matilda, Nolwandle, Owami, Vanisha, Karina, Lagan, Jay , Saraswati & the Strictly signs team, thanks for showing up. Appreciate each and everyone of you. |
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