LOVEauthentic We "Spotty" Like That, is our sports photography campaign that promotes our LOVE for sports, allows us the opportunity to do sporting events with fellow LOVE authenticators, and is named specifically like that so we continue supporting our primary cause of raising awareness for VITILIGO
Team LOVEauthentic gathered to do the 702 Walk the talk ... 15km of fun. A great experience to share with our fellow LOVE Authenticators
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Saturday morning turned out to be so special. It felt so great to get to Northerns farms by 8am and to be met by hundreds of other fans who have also been touched by Gulu Zulu. I've been asked why Gugu was so close to my heart ... I realise its because he was a man of love. He loved everyone around him, he shared of himself with the world and he did everything with such passion. He dedicated his time to helping and enriching those around him. He was well known in the sporting world and loved mountain biking. He was a strong supporter of the Diepsloot Mountain Biking academy, and the coolest part of Saturday was riding with the many many kids from Diepsloot, who also came out to honour their hero.
#rideforgugu #wespottylikethat #loveauthentic #lovetheauthenticyou #gugzulu #northernfarms #vitiligosa #vitiligoawareness He was such a bright light. Everywhere he went he just left people smiling. I truly admire this great soul. I had the opportunity to take these pics of him at the ABSA Cape Epic 2016. Journey well my friend ... your presence will be missed.
GALLERY 3 | Finish line
LOVEauthentic celebrated our first World Vitiligo Day Fun Walk on the 25 June 2016. As intended the event brought together families from across Gauteng to raise awareness for Vitiligo. The 4km Fun Walk took place at the beautiful and tranquil Germiston Lake. All funds raised on the day wil aid Vitiligo Awareness. LOVEauthentic thanks all who came together to make this event a huge success. Sponsors, volunteers & participants, thanks for making this day memorable. View Gallery on the link below : Thank you Hema Nana, Marlene Pillay and Kashmira Naran for these stunning pics of the day. |
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