Kinjal Sanghavi, A writer based in India who also lives with Vitiligo, offered to share 3 heartwarming and touching poems from her the 150 collection in order to motivate and inspire those living with and without Vitiligo.
Kinjal, LOVEauthentic thanks you for contributing to our campaign. We LOVE you and thank you for joining and helping us all
LOVEauthentic begins our first Inspirational Soul story... We introduce to you all Bhabita Magan. We've waited many months to launch this story. We chose today as it's the anniversary to Bhabitas successful surgery, exactly a year ago. Please read this inspiring story of positivity and strength. Thanks Bhabita for joining our Inspirational Souls Campaign. Story : Bhabita Magan & Baveesha Naran
Editor : Joseph Abrahams Photography : Baveesha Naran |
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